Friday 17 August 2012

N o m .  .  .  N o m . . . N o m.
N o m .  .  .  N o m . . . N o m.

The Pentagram.

Abigail went to Lloyd and said " N o m . . . N o m . . . N o m . . . " Lloyd was just like "Da fuq" when suddenly Abigail turned into a snail and started eating Lloyd slowly.
Lloyd was being eaten and all he could do was scream fo hours because he was being eaten slowly. "Aaaaaaaaaaaagh" He would scream and she would be like " N o m . . . N o m . . . N o m ! . . . "
Tamsin sat at her desk not saying anything until she heard the word "Icecream" and started screaming "P E N T A G R A M S ! P E N T A G R A M S ! P E N T A G R A M S" and she also was carving pictures of pentegrams on the table with her sharp nails that used to belong to abigails hands but she stole them when abigail turned into a snail.
Tiffany, Sarah and Courtney had been singing in the gymnasium which had killed half of the students already, yet they continued singing.
Zac did P.E which killed him or so they thought he was actually put into a coma but they thought he was dead so they buried him alive and now his ghost haunts the P.E hallway.
Tegan was writing when she got possessed and started writing down the ghosts thoughts which was alot she ended up writing on the walls, floors, ceiling and she basically went insane with words.
Branwen and Tomos went to go and do some class rep stuff with Miss.Lewis when she sudden;y started screaming and she had scissors in her hand, both the scissors and Miss.lewis were drenched with blood. She started laughing Wildely "H a h a ha ha ha ha h a a a g h ! . . . H A H A H A H A ! " she ran up to Branwen and Tomos and started stabbing them they screamed as the scissors cut through there skin ripping the flesh and as the blood pour down and out of there wounds they started going cold and slowly died after Branwen and Tomos let out the last of their screams Miss. Lewis laughed and started stabbing her self in the eye vigorously. 
Miss.Reese was cloned and had a Ssh battle with herself, finally realizing how annoying she was to the students.
Tamsin ran out of nail sharpness and managed to say two more words other than pentagram "D e s t . . . P E N T A G R A . . . D e s t r o . . . Y P E N T A G . . . D e s t r oy . . . T h e . . . P E N T" She had written 'destroy ttthe pentegram' in her own blood on the table.
Zac who was slowly losing all his air underground kicked and screamed like a girl trying to find his way out when his foot rubbed against a pentagram that was painted on the inside of his coffin. He had destroyed his own pentagram. Suddenly blinded by a light he found himself at the school where he saw Lloyd being eaten by Abigail.
"Lloyd!" Zac shouted catching Lloyd attention. "Destroy her pentagram!" Lloyd who's head was almost in Abigails mouth looked for a pentagram but didn't find anything until she had his whole body in her mouth, he then saw the pentagram on her tongue and quickly rubbed it off.
Abigail turned back to her humanself and started coughing as Lloyd fell to the ground covered in slime.
"What's going on around here!" Abigail cried rubbing her neck.
"Don't know but we should check on the class." Lloyd said drying his face.
"" Lloyd and abigail walked to the class ignoring zac who eventually followed.
The class had gone completely insane. "Tamsin's creepy she might know what's going on." Lloyd laughed.
"Yes but...£ Abigail look down at the desk. "There are alot of pentagrams."
"Which one do we destroy?"
"D e s t r o y t h e . . . " Tamsin was still saying the same stuff "P E N T A G R A M "
Lloyd Abigail and Zac stood there thinking. "Let's just pick a random one." Lloyd grinned.
"No wait-" Zac tried to stop Lloyds idiocy but Lloyd had already destroyed one of the pentagrams.
"Did it work?" Abigail looked into Tamsins eyes.
"D E S T R O Y T HE P E N T E G R A M ! ! ! . . ." Blood came pouting down from her mouth they then noticed that on her eyelids she had pentagrams.

"There!" Abigail squealed grabbing water and chucking it at her eyes.
The blood stopped pouring from her mouth and she came to her senses. "What the Fu-" water dripped down her face. "You b-tch..."
"You where dying kind of." Abigail said excusing herself.
"Do you know about the Pentagrams?" Zac asked.
"What he asked" Lloyd grinned.
Tamsin coughed up the blood that was still in her mouth. "Yes, If your thinking just destroy everyones pentagrams then don't both that would take forever." Tamsin stood up. " We have to destroy the source."
They all gasped and then stood in awkward silence before abigail asked.
"And that is?"

They than walked over to where Pentagri was which they thought was Miss.Morris's office but surprisingly it wasn't. The Pentagri was in the Gymnasium. Tiffany, Sarah and Courtney still stood there with microphones in there hands singing songs that broke the glass.
"Do you think we should just leave?, They sing horribly!" Tamsin begged.
"Horribly is an understatement." Zac sighed covering his ears.
"They sing 'Ok' I guess..." Abigail said standing up for them.
"No the don't." Lloyd disagreed which made abigail frown so Lloyd changed his mind quickly "On second thought they're brilliant." Lloyd stuck his thumbs up in the air almost dying from the sound of their voices.
"Abigail, Since you can stand there voices  destroy the pentamic." Zac said shooing her.
"Pentamic?" Abigail questioned blind as always.
"The pentagram on the mic."
"Oh..." Abigail ran up to them and just as she was about to shut them up the ground started shaking "Earthquake?!" suddenly the ground crumploed and some creature come from under the earth.
"The Pentagri!"
"That's the pentagri?..."
The Pentagri uses his Pentagram powers to make a pentagram that re-animates everyone who died from Tiffany Sarah and Courtney's voices all of the Re-A's started walking towards Lloyd, Zac, Tamsin and abigail who had ran back to Lloyds arms when the ground crumpled.
"There coming towards us!" Zac shouted pointing out the obvious.
"What do we do?" Abigail panicked.
"We...uh..." As Lloyd was about to start planning the music started playing and the Re-A's started dancing. "Dance Off!"
The Re-A's danced then looked at them competively.
"You guys dance while I try and kill the Pentagri!" Tamsin shouted about to run off.
"And how are you going to do that?" Zac asked.
"Well there's a giant Pentagram on his chest where his heart is." Tamsin Pointed "If I can destroy that then we are safe!"
"Will you need help?" Lloyd danced.
"A distraction may be helpful but a bit dangerous. "If you guys can destroy the pentagram that's on the dancefloor then you won't have to Dance Off."
"Ok!" Abigail started Dancing some more.

Tamsin ran towards the Pentagri stabbing his right foot and running up his left arm as he went to grab his foot which was in pain. She climbed up his arm hair and made it to his shoulder as she started to climb down his chest hair towards his heart he saw her and began hitting where she was but she quickly climbed back up onto his shoulder.
"I don't think she'll make it on her own!" Zac shouted.
"We have to help her!" Lloyd agreed thinking of what would happen if he didn't return home to his bunny.
"Whats going to work?!" Abigail sang and the three of them answered "Team Work!"
Zac Abigail and Lloyd ran up to the Pentagri. "You shall feel the wrath of christ!"
Abigail shouted shuffling through her bag.
"Oh christians, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a bottle of holy water in there." Tamsin smirked. Abigail pulled out a bottle and chucked it at the Pentagri.
"Okay..., I lied I was surprised."
The Pentagri's leg started to burn up. Lloyd grabbed Tiffany and the mic and chucked her at the Pentagri's ear. The Pentagri cried as its ear died.
Zac grabbed a computer and chucket it at the Pentagri the computer exploded and the Pentagri fell to the ground.
"Thanks guys." Tamsin grabbed the welsh flag and used it to destory the pentagram.
Everyone who was dead or affected with pentegrams turned back to normal forgetting most of what had happened.
"Everything should be normal now." Tamsin laughed thinking what 'normal' was.
"I hope this doesn't happen again." Abigail smiled.
"If it does remember team work." Lloyd laughed putting his arm around abigail.
"And Destroy the pentagram." Zac said "Oh and don't bury me..."
They all laughed then walked home wondering what would happen the next day.

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