Wednesday 22 August 2012

Can't stop watching!

I've been possessed!, quick someone hire a priest and send him to me! asap :0
I've been possessed by strange creepy music! O_o
Orange Caramel and Girls' Generation, also listening to LM.C but that's not creepy at all :3
Sorry sorry was the first girl's generation song I heard and that was because of "You're Beautiful" a Korean...(i think xD) drama xD
This was the second Girl's Generation song I heard

The first orange caramel video I watched was way to disturbing and creepy ^^'...

That was....Less disturbing...since they weren't in TINY MINI SKIRTS... and weren't flying on green screened stuff....xD

and now for the yummy stuff(...get it...?...) LM.C Punky Heart
I love dis band! x3 They is wearing pink and black stripes how can you not love them!!?!?! >:3
Even my bro likes them he had their music on his computer which i uh...stole :3

Bell the cat is also a song by them I like

The singer has really big lips...o_o...I was so not staring at them!...x3
I'm going to stop being a fangirl for LM.C and continue being a fangirl for corpse party and Hiyokoi
I have 2 more chapters to catch up on with Hiyokoi! :3

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